another mail connundrum

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Fri Nov 9 19:51:03 UTC 2012

Greetings all;

I am not, to my knowledge, using postfix for anything.

However, I just found, in /var/log, a mail.warn file that apparently is 
being written to with every message I send, warning me:
Nov  9 13:53:08 coyote postfix/sendmail[14521]: fatal: open 
/etc/postfix/ No such file or directory

One line of that for every message I post.

This same error is showing up in /var/log/mail.err also.

This is ubuntu-10.04.4 LTS, with just enough KDE installed to run kmail and 
a few games and its text based launching menu's.

The sent mails go thru just fine regardless, so why is postfix even getting 

Cheers, Gene
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