How to change admin user for GUI?

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Wed Nov 7 00:38:04 UTC 2012

The trick is to switch the UIDs. I am not by my Ubuntu box now, but I think
the first user created gets UID 1001.
Make sure to research all places to change the UID. I can check it myslf in
a few hours.

On Nov 7, 2012 2:00 AM, "Tommy Trussell" <tommy.trussell at> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>> On 6 November 2012 19:43, Josef Wolf <jw at> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I have installed ubuntu-12.4 for a friend. Since he is not a computer
>> guy and
>> > I will need to do the administration on this computer, the first admin
>> account
>> > I created was an account for me. Then I created a second admin account
>> for
>> > him. We can both use sudo to do the administration on command line.
>> >
>> > Since he is not familiar with the command line, he is doing everything
>> with
>> > the GUI. But when he does anything that needs root permissions (e.g.
>> update
>> > the system), the GUI asks for _my_ password.
>> >
>> > How can I change this setting so that _his_ PW is asked instead?
>> For what it's worth, I have had the same problem. (I think it was on
>> Xubuntu or Lubuntu rather than Ubuntu but it doesn't matter.)
>> In the end, after some Googling and no clear answers, I just
>> reformatted & reinstalled.
> This might be the best answer -- reformat and create his account first,
> then yours.
> HOWEVER before you completely give up, notice that the first
> administrative account is a member of all sorts of groups. It's been awhile
> since I looked, but is the second administrative account a member of all
> the same groups? For example the adm group lets you view the logs in
> /var/log and the sudo group lets you use sudo, but there are some other
> groups -- my admin account is a member of cdrom dip plugdev lpadmin and
> sambashare, too. I haven't looked them all up but you could try making sure
> he's a member of all the same groups.
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