nmcli and 3g modem on ubuntu 12.04.1 server

Nataraj incoming-ubuntu at rjl.com
Mon Nov 5 02:36:40 UTC 2012

On 11/04/2012 04:32 PM, Tom H wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Nataraj <incoming-ubuntu at rjl.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you. I was able to do this and then start the connection on the
>>> new server via the command line. Unfortunately, I have found that if I
>>> boot the server with the ethernet cable unplugged, NetworkManager
>>> crashes. Also if I unplug the cable after boot and then use nmcli to
>>> start the 3g connection NetworkManager will crash without starting the
>>> connection.
>>> Hardly the dynamic reconfigurability that one would like to see from
>>> running NetworkManager. I found this bug report and will add comments
>>> and then file a new report if mine looks like a different bug:
>>> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/209013
>> I meant this bug instead of the link I posted above...
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1053022
> You're welcome. I'm sorry that you've run into this bug (not that NM's
> behavior's acceptable, but I don't see the point of unplugging the lan
> if this is a server - is it just "serving" on the net?!).

It's a small portable mobile server designed to firewall portable
devices like notebooks and tablets, with flexibility to connect it to
the Internet using various methods, i.e. cablemodem/DSL, 3G modem etc. 
I run the server OS because it's a tiny processor with only 8GB of flash
and 1GB of RAM.   Though it would be enough to run a simple GUI, I'm not
interested in that because it is a firewall/server device (though not in
the sense of large enterprise servers).  Of course I could run one of
the other embeddable linux distributions, but I've had good results with
the 10.04 ubuntu server in the past so...

The whole purpose of the NetworkManager is supposed to be dynamic
reconfigurability.  When I setup large enterprise servers I configure
their networking statically because it doesn't change very often.


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