mouse behavior <NOT SOLVED>
Ric Moore
wayward4now at
Wed May 23 21:48:10 UTC 2012
On 05/23/2012 05:22 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 23/05/12 13:49, Ric Moore wrote:
>> On 05/22/2012 01:48 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> On 22/05/12 13:13, Ric Moore wrote:
>>>> On 05/20/2012 10:10 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>>> On 21/05/12 09:53, Ric Moore wrote:
>>>>>> On 05/20/2012 08:33 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>>> [.....................]
>>>>>>> So, after doing what you have done, what have you narrowed down
>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>> "usual suspects" list as to the cause of your problem with the mice?
>>>>>>> Tell all. I am curious as to your solution, if any, and so are many
>>>>>>> others no doubt because we all may strike the same problem in the
>>>>>>> future
>>>>>>> and then would want to know how to solve it.
>>>>>> As I wrote, a clean install fixed it. The ONLY thing that broke with
>>>>>> the upgrade was the mouse. Others report USB problems as well, some
>>>>>> with keyboards, some with other USB devices. So, something present in
>>>>>> 11.10 is not there with 12.04 and old config stuff must be winding up
>>>>>> broken. And, that is JUST a guess on my part. I really have no clue.
>>>>>> :) Ric
>>>>> So, while the USB problem is being examined, prodded, and dissected
>>>>> you
>>>>> have installed a PS/2 mice to avoid the problem, right? :-) .
>>>> No, a clean install fixed it. I changed nothing else. :) Ric
>>> Ah, OK, now I see what you meant.
>>> But, is this a clean install of Ubuntu which you then 'massage' by
>>> installing xfce or is this a clean install of Xubuntu?
>> I install XFCE after, with gnome/etc intact. I know damn well that
>> there is the highest probability of success in that fashion. I have
>> the best of both. So far, I am correct as nothing else has broken.
>> But, that is my way of doing it and not some sort of statement. It's
>> worked like this for several versions. Ric
> OK. I have tattooed this on my forehead: Gnome & xfce :-) .
> But, without labouring the point, why Gnome first followed by xfce on
> 'top'? I mean, what do you mean by "I have the best of both"? I have
> used real Gnome #2 but never xfce and so am wondering how these 2
> interact. I mean, can you use the Gnome features while using xfce and
> vice-versa, or do you switch from one to the other to have a feature you
> want?
Xubuntu uses a different X desktop manager. So, if I go with gnome
first, with gdm, I keep that when I merely add the xfce desktop and not
Xubuntu desktop. I figure I'm safer that way.
For all I know, it's a crap shoot between them, but I'm ignorant and
prefer to play safe. I would figure the majority of Ubuntu devel is with
gdm. So, I stick with that. Ric
My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
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