Re: Installing ”templates”

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Sat May 19 07:20:14 UTC 2012

2012/5/18 Linda <haniganwork at>:
> When I read the questions on using Create documents when you right click I started playing with it on my system. No matter what I did it didn't work. Than I found a solution on line. I had to edit
> ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
> Once I fixed the line
> with
> The create document feature worked great.
> Maybe this will solve your problem. It is a rather nice feature, once I figured out how to make it work.
>       Linda

Well, my problem is already solved, so I guess somehow you missed that
post of mine. Maybe it went straight into your spam box or something?
Here it is again:
”Thanks, I found the problem in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs. After
 changing the line ”XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME/"” to
 ”XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME/Mallar/"”, it works perfectly.”

So it's the same solution as the one you describe, just that I use the
Swedish word ”Mallar” which means ”Templates”.
Thanks anyway.

Just as an addition to the post above, I also changed other things,
like ”XDF_DOCUMENTS_DIR” from ”$HOME/” to ”$HOME/Dokument”, and after
that LibreOffice won't run my macros! I found the reason for that: My
macros are only run if they are in a folder that's in the approved
folders list, and all paths there were changed from, for example,
”~/This/Path” to ”~/DokumentThis/Path”. I would consider that a bug,
but maybe others would disagree… Anyway, after editing all those paths
everything was fine again.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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