ISCSI boot

Liam Proven lproven at
Fri May 18 19:41:39 UTC 2012

On 18 May 2012 19:51, James Devine <fxmulder at> wrote:
> I have some servers that can boot from iscsi so I thought I would give it a
> shot.  I see in the ubuntu install that I have the option to install to an
> iscsi target, so I added the target during the ubuntu install which exposes
> an 8gb partition and chose it for the / mount using ext4.  I can erase this
> partition and in doing so I can see lots of iscsi traffic through the use of
> tcpdump on the iscsi target server, but when I try to install to it, there
> is very little traffic, a couple small packets every 5 seconds or so and the
> install has been sitting at 33% for over an hour.  Any idea what I might be
> doing wrong?

Your BIOS needs to support it; it's nothing to do with the OS. I have
never seen a PC that could do this.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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