100% CPU

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Wed May 9 05:47:28 UTC 2012

On 09/05/12 00:33, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:


> I'm actually kinda betwixt and between right now.  I've got Ubuntu
> Natty with xubuntu-desktop
> installed, and generally sign on with xubuntu.  There's a single menu
> in the top panel.  It
> has a submenu called "Settings" with about a dozen things including
> one that lets me edit
> the contents of the menus, and another called "System" with about a
> score of things that
> I recognize as utilities.  I haven't used any of this yet.
> Nepomuk is installed, probably dragged in when I installed one of my
> KDE games or
> utilities.  I'm aiming to go plain xubuntu, Real Soon Now (TM).

I just had a rethink about nepomuk and its 100% use of your cpu.

This was a known problem but has been 'fixed'. For example, I am 
actually now running nepomuk (in the past I always turned if off) and I 
don't even know that it is installed and active - and it has nothing to 
do with the fact that I have an 8-core cpu with 16GB of RAM.

I am wondering which version of nepomuk you have installed? nepomuk is 
an integrated part of 'kdebase4-runtime' and the version of this package 
which I have currently installed is 4.8.3-376.1.


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