change permissions to copy pictures into backgrounds

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue May 8 15:39:49 UTC 2012

On 8 May 2012 16:14, Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at> wrote:
> (2012/05/08 1:12), Colin Law wrote:
>> On 7 May 2012 17:05, Thomas Blasejewicz<thomas at>  wrote:
>>> (2012/05/06 0:26), compdoc wrote:
>>>>> What is the try, that will allow me to do so?
>>>> Not sure I followed everything you were saying, but if you need to copy
>>>> or
>>>> modify system files, (or root owed files) type into a term window: gksu
>>>> nautilus&
>>>> Also useful:  gksu gedit&
>>>> Can you just explain very carefully what you are trying to do.  Tell
>>>> us where the files are at the moment and where you are trying to copy
>>>> them to.   Don't talk about the "backgrounds" folder, tell us exactly
>>>> where you are trying to copy to.
>>>> Colin
> Well, this is really simply.
> I have a folder that contains pictures I took myself and like to use as
> wallpaper for my computers.
> I want (a) either make this folder the DEFAULT location the computer is
> looking for when I instruct it to change the desktop image,
> or (b) to copy my pictures into the ubuntu default folder (if this is so
> difficult to change ...)
> my pictures are located in:
> /home/thomas/pictures/wallpapers
> owner: Thomas Blasejewicz
> group: adm
> I changed the permission for ALL pictures to "read and write", but that did
> not help.
> the "default folder" for wallpapers appears to be:
> /usr/share/backgrounds
> owner: root
> group: root

Are you sure it is not  /home/thomas/Pictures/wallpapers?  Case is
important in Ubuntu

Well that is very easy, open a terminal.  If you don't know how to do
that then click the Super key (this often has the Windows logo on it)
and type terminal in the search bar and you should see the Terminal
icon appear, click on that.  Then in the terminal type

sudo cp pictures/wallpapers/* /usr/share/backgrounds
you will be asked for your password.  Obviously if it is actually
Pictures then use that.
The command sudo tells it to use root permissions to do the cp (copy)
command and the * means all files in that directory.

> * There was the question "why go through all this trouble?" I asked myself
> this very question MANY times!
> Maybe it is this crazy obsession of mine, that if something should be very
> simple but I am still unable to succeed, "I want to know (understand) why".

The reason people are confused about why you want to do this is that
you can easily choose pictures from your wallpapers directory in the
Change Desktop Background dialog.  You have continuously failed to
explain why you don't just do that.

> Apparently I am annoying many people with this attitude.
> Please accept my apologies for that.
> On the other hand, I am likely to continue asking stupid questions like this
> one ...

No-one minds you asking questions, it is the fact that you have not
explained why the previous attempts to help have not satisfied you but
just keep asking the same question again.


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