xubuntu 12.04 and webmin

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Wed May 2 18:09:24 UTC 2012

On 02-05-12 16:19, compdoc wrote:
>> However, a sentence beginning with: "they say that.."
>> and than some uncontrollable statement is also not very trustworthy.
> Dismissing information because of the way someone says it does not sound an
> ideal way to deal with information.
> It's always nice when someone takes the (sometimes considerable) time to do
> your research for you, but no one should depend solely on the generosity of
> others.
>> Of course I agree that webmin has his peculiarities if you don't know
>> what you do it can make your system unusable.
> It would be interesting to know how many computer professionals use Webmin.
> Anyone care to comment?
Thanks for your reply. However, I think you misunderstood me. Of course 
if the "they" are indicated as e.g. " the investigators of.." or at 
least an indication is given on what for information the conclusions of 
"they" is founded ( and where it can be found) then your remark is 
correct. There is too much hearsay information based on nothing or 
non-sense (in the literal meaning of the word). I realise, however, that 
such a more scientific attitude is often not appreciated. People like to 
believe what they want to believe (again referring to political speak) 
as we in my country (the Netherlands) has suffered of the last 18 months.

I also am curious which system managers use Webmin.

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