Does anybody like ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed May 2 01:35:20 UTC 2012

On 1 May 2012 06:34, user1 <bqz69 at> wrote:
> I have used ubuntu the last 4 years, I began using kde 3x and ended up
> using 10.10 and gnome 2x very happily
> Now I switch between 10.10 and 12.04 planning to use 12.04 as my default
> Does anybody like ubuntu 12.04

Yes, definitely. I've been running it on a couple of Acer AspireOne
netbooks since the early alpha release and it's been excellent. Unity
works brilliantly on tiny netbook screens and I find it highly usable
on a twin-large-monitor desktop as well.

I have had no real problems with any of the Unity releases. There was
a rough patch between 6.06 and 8.04 - 8.04 itself was stable enough
but things were moving fast then and it was missing things like
functional 3G modem support. Video playback wasn't great, either. And
it was slow to boot.

But since 8.10 there's not been a bad release in my book.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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