shrinking space used by root user [was:shrinking kernel reserve space]

Alexander Skwar (ML) alexanders.mailinglists+nospam at
Fri Mar 16 13:21:39 UTC 2012

Am 16.03.2012 13:55, schrieb CJ Tres:
> On 03/16/2012 07:09 AM, Avi Greenbury wrote:
>> Outside of those, as with your data volume, there's no real need for
>> that reserved space, but it's not common to gain much out of removing
>> it either.
> 44 GB seems like a lot of wasted space, since there's no need for it.

Out of 3000 GB, I don't think that 44 GB seems like a lot.

But I guess we need to keep in mind about what environment we're
talking here.

44 GB = much, if Is it a private person?
44 GB = not that much, if A company?
44 GB = nothing, if A hosting provider?


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