SCSI error on write

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Mar 12 17:15:03 UTC 2012

On 12 March 2012 15:15, Thufir Hawat <hawat.thufir at> wrote:
> ..
> I removed brasero, so it's just some artifact that it shows up in the
> log.  The CD-R media is generic, and, yes, the drive is rather old.  I'm
> going to try burning some more discs in a bit.  I'll bring down the burn
> speed.
> I'm holding off on upgrading the drive for now.  There's no real point in
> upgrading the drive, though, if the cables or something are wonky.
> If it were a dirty lens, wouldn't it give a different sort of error, not
> SCSI?  Just thinking out loud.

I have had problems burning if I have Burn Directly set (not sure of
the exact wording).  I think that says to not make a temporary image
before burning, so now I always make sure that is not set and have had
no problems since.


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