panel applets

M.R. makrober at
Sat Mar 10 00:30:31 UTC 2012

On 03/09/2012 02:40 PM, Liam Proven wrote:

 > In the meantime, learn the compose key. It is actually a lot more 

thanks for your help! OK, I'm convinced. but...:

 > It's here:
 > Shutdown/settings menu | System preferences | Keyboard | Layout
 > settings | Options | Compose key position

So I set left Win key to be the "compose" key as per instructions.

How do I now assign what specific utf-8 character should be generated
when I press (and hold?) the compose key and press any particular key
on the keyboard? For instance, I expect to press (and hold?) my
freshly assigned compose key, and press "a" on the keyboard to
produce æ, and compose + shift to produce Æ etc...

I expect to be able to assign some specific "non-keyboard" utf-8
characters that I often use to the specific keyboard keys. Isn't
that how it's supposed to work? If it did, I agree it would indeed be
an improvement over the character picker applet which required the
use of the mouse.

(I did try to duckduckgo for some explanations, but in vain ;)

tia, M.R.

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