astrology softwares in repos

Gilles Gravier ggravier at
Fri Mar 9 15:30:33 UTC 2012


On 09/03/2012 15:42, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 9 March 2012 03:24, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at> wrote:
>> Well this link
>> mentions about astrolog package ,sudo apt-get
>> I found it missing from repos
>> Is compiling from sources the only way or I missed to search some thing
>> else?
> You do realise that astrology is absolutely-cast-iron guaranteed 100%
> bogus, without /any/ element of truth or validity whatsoever? It has
> been studied and tested exhaustively; it is pure superstition with
> absolutely no basis in fact at all.

_You do realise_ that this kind of judgement :

1) Has no place here
2) Is in no way helpful for the original poster

There are many reasons people do astrology, or believe in a god or
another, or have some kind of faith. It's nobody's role to question
them, and certainly not your's, and not on this list.

If the person is looking for an astrology package, and asks here, we
should help them find one. Same as if there were asking for a bible, or
coran package, or a magic class package, or whatever else.

So here are some links to help the OP :

1) Ubuntu Community documentation on Astrology :

As you can see, there are other software than "astrolog", in particular
Maitreya (india astrology), and Skylendar (a derivative of astrolog,
based on KDE libs).

2) : which has
a Ubuntu repository

I hope these starting points help.


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