Automatically mounting all volumes at boot

Rashkae ubuntu at
Wed Mar 7 15:42:02 UTC 2012

On 03/07/2012 09:57 AM, Rigved Rakshit wrote:
>>> sudo chmod -Rv 777 /media/MyFat32System
>> Since fat has no understanding of unix filesystem permissions, and
>> chmod no understanding of fat's, this will never have any effect on a
>> fat filesystem.
> It is the OS which implements and enforces the permissions. So, even though
> Windows cannot understand unix fs permissions, Linux can. For example, if
> you create a '.sh'  on a NTFS or FAT32 fs, you cannot execute the program
> in Linux until you give the file execute permission using .chmod +x
> Best Regards,
> Rigved Rakshit

Err, no, that's wrong.

Fat32 has no way to store the execute bit, and therefore, chmod will 
have no effect.  You either enable execute permission when you mount the 
FS, in which case all files will be 'executable', or you don't.

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