partitioning 4K 3 TB USB hd for 64 bit Ubuntu 11.10

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Mar 6 18:56:31 UTC 2012

On 5 March 2012 02:26, CJ Tres <ctres at> wrote:
> ...which is as it should be except the 2 G swap isn't showing.

First things first: that is normal. Swap is not free space and does
not show up as such with the `df` command.

It should show up if it is "live" - i.e. `swapon` has been issued to
tell the kernel to use it, or it was in /etc/fstab at boot, or if a
liveCD detected it and used it - if you use the `free` or `top`

I'm afraid I have no personal experience of GPT partitioning just yet
except on Intel-powered Apple Macintosh systems so I can't advise on
configuring the drive.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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