eject not working unless I'm root

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 6 08:58:38 UTC 2012

On 6 March 2012 08:40, Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone knows what gives with that??
> My DVD isn't playing and yes, been through the how-to a dozen times. Using
> Xubuntu 11.10. A data disk is recognized. A few days ago I played a music CD
> but now that doesn't work either. My user is a member of the cdrom group.
> There must be a flakey udev rule tossing things into the grinder as I had to
> sudo eject for it to happen.  Ric

I find that when I burn a CD that it cannot eject the disk and comes
up with a message asking me to do it manually.  I wonder if that is a
similar issue.  Next time it happens I will see if will eject with the
eject command, with or without sudo.

Does eject -v tell you anything?


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