Re: Gnumeric (1.10.8) – how to save as a template?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Mar 3 21:37:30 UTC 2012

On 3 March 2012 19:16, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
> 2012/3/3 Colin Law <clanlaw at>:
>> On 3 March 2012 11:35, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
>>> I can't find that option in the file menu at all. I can create a new
>>> spreadsheet from a template, but I can not create a template, what's
>>> the point in that?
>>> Why use Gnumeric at all? you might ask. Well, most of the time I use
>>> LibreOffice, but sometimes I need a lighter option that starts quickly
>>> and doesn't mess with my graphics card. Other than that, I found
>>> Gnumeric quite useless so far. As soon as I need to do anything just a
>>> single µm outside the main stream area, Gnumeric is not an option, at
>>> least not the 1.10.8 version, which is the one in the Ubuntu 10.10
>>> repositories.
>> Google threw up this, but I have not tried it
>> Colin
> Yes, adding a document to the templates folder should do it, of
> course. The problem is that I need root privileges to do that, which
> is doable but not very user friendly.

I suppose you could give the relevant users (or just yourself in this
case?) write access to the templates folder.  I don't suppose there
would be a security risk there.

> So obviously the answer is something like ”No, there is no dedicated
> functionality for that, but it still can be done”.

Looks like it.


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