Icecat 7.0.1 shuts down unexpected very often

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Mar 3 11:24:52 UTC 2012

On 3 March 2012 11:17, user1 <bqz69 at> wrote:
> It is icecat I am using but ff and icecat are supposed to be equal?
> Which add-ons are are important and working well in icecat?
> I am using following add-ons only in my icecat 7.0.1:
> Addblock Plus 2.0.3
> gTranslate 0.9
> HTTPS-Everywhere 1.0.3
> Neo Diggler 1.0.6
> Priv3 0.1
> Scrapbook 1.0.3

Please list the suggestions made in earlier replies and what happened
when you tried each suggestion.
You cannot expect help unless you make an effort to help yourself.


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