ROUTEUR compatible vpn

Nataraj incoming-ubuntu at
Fri Mar 2 19:24:58 UTC 2012

On 03/02/2012 03:00 AM, jean durandt wrote:
> thank you for your response.
> goal: not having a pc on. So a dedicated router.
> But, given the experience gained, I do not think the brand is the best
> cisco as the reliability of machines tested surprises: freeze or
> overheat inbconsidérée. But I could be wrong.
> to: manage a set of machines (managing fire, flood, security for
> remote sites: the electricity is solar in the absence of people. A
> generator in case of human presence.)
> Currently there are SIX machines connected to the ADSL modem.
> We want to put these machines in vpn client through a router vpn client.
> This avoids having to configure each machine in turn.
> The other advantage is that if we can have a powerful router, we can
> separate the SSID connections from each other by virtual SSIDs (I am
> here as an example DD-WRT).
> I'm listening to all that goes back informaition.
> With my thanks to all.
> the translation is done by Google.
If your willing to spend a little more money there are high quality
boxes that can run linux out of flash such as this: This box consumes
minimal power.  It's not blindingly fast, so I wouldn't recommend for
lots of vpn user or greater than 10mb Internet connection but it is
enterprise quality, much better than the little linksys box.  If you
google around, I believe I've seen web sites that sell a wide range of
boxes like this in Europe.  Boxes with the atom processor will be quite
a bit faster than this one, though the via eden box actually has
hardware acceleration for openvpn (there are openvpn config options to
enable it).

Installing ubuntu  or other firewall distribution on these boxes is
relatively straightforward.  I just plugged in a usb dvd/cdrom drive and
booted the installation disk.

If you still want to play with cheap boxes, engenius might be a little
better than cisco/linksys.


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