help with sed

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Thu Jun 28 20:44:08 UTC 2012

On 28-06-12 08:21, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Two remarks:
> - I don't see a reason to use "1,1s…" for the first command, "1s…"
> should suffice.
> - The backslash for the fifth command is not needed because the
> expression is now inside quotes.
> But of course that doesn't explain why line 1 is unchanged. I would
> assume that the expressions you used don't match, e.g. because the
> original line uses upper case instead of the lower case in your
> expression or extra space characters somewhere. If you don't find the
> reason, could you post the original first line of the file?
> Nils
Thanks for the reply. You made me look more carefully to the first line 
(I used hexedit to look at the key-codes) and silly me had not detected 
  the spaces in the text. Now it works perfect.
Thanks for the suggestion and the complete realization for my problem. 
However, I'm as Johnny Rosenberg, I have never mastered AWK and I don't 
need that very much. When I have more complex scripts to make I use perl 
instead of bash. There I know how to manipulate strings.
Everybody, thanks for the help anyway,

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