Backtrack IP resets every few minutes

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Jun 28 15:54:12 UTC 2012

On 28 June 2012 16:30, Mika Suomalainen <mika.henrik.mainio at> wrote:
> BackTrack isn't official Ubuntu side-distribution, so support for
> BackTrack isn't given on this list. Please try to find official
> mailing list for BackTrack to get help with it.

Where on the guidelines does it say that this list is only for
officially supported packages?  I thought the list was for technical
help on any matter relating to Ubuntu.  For a non-official package the
likelihood of getting help is less, but there is no harm in asking.

> [Mika Suomalainen]( ||
> NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
> read emails very much.

Better not to waste your bandwidth then with a massive signature which
is probably of no interest to anyone here and is definitely not
related to technical support of Ubuntu


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