virus in 10.04

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Wed Jun 27 14:13:32 UTC 2012

On 27 June 2012 14:25,  <clarke17 at> wrote:

> The effects are as follows
> 1. when entering setup utility password is declared invalid
> 2. sreen is offset 3mm to left
> the following happens intermitently
> 3. grub selection screen  time out line missing - screen freezes
> 4. on shutdown freezes on ubuntu logo on last screen
> 5. screen freezes at ubuntu logo beore opening final screen
> the virus came from the website 'ubuntugeek' - this site no longer exists

Evening Jim,

When the UbuntuGeek ( website was
compromised in 2011 it was serving up links to windows malware. Your
Linux installation would have been immune to the software (XP Total
Security 2011) that was being served up even if you'd been in Linux
when you viewed the site and downloaded the malware.

Whilst your windows installation might have been compromised, your
Linux install would have been untouched. As a result there was no need
to format your entire PC.

Regardless, now that you've wiped everything you're trying to
re-install Ubuntu after re-downloading a ISO image - correct? But
you're having issues doing this because of something in Grub?

Have you actually managed to get the installation to complete and the
issues that you're seeing are occurring when you're trying to boot


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