Ubuntu 12.04 settings

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 22 08:47:28 UTC 2012

On 22 June 2012 09:29, Nick Bikkal <29.whitesnake at gmail.com> wrote:

What has happened to your email quoting?  It is not showing my replies
as from me?

> Hi,
> Can you give an example of a particular setting that is not being
> saved?  Describe how you are setting it and what problem you see.
> Colin
> All, basically. I set up several mail accounts on thunderbird & it was all
> as if I hadn't even opened it. BTW, I use Ubuntu 12.04 on an AA1 but don't
> have that problem.

Just Thunderbird or other apps also?

If you run thunderbird from a terminal and try to set up an account
and then exit thunderbird do you see any errors in the terminal?

How did you install ubuntu?


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