simple local mirror for updates

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Fri Jun 15 08:40:21 UTC 2012

On 15 June 2012 12:28, Ric Moore <wayward4now at> wrote:
> Is there a simple preferred way for my main computer to serve package
> updates to other machines on my local net? Nice and simple will do nicely!
> Thanks Ric
> --

I looked into this heavily a year or two ago so thought I'd share my
research. I had a slightly different use case so I ended up syncing
the entire repository to a local drive and setting up some dns foo to
make all my PCs that were set up default point at the local server

That being said I did look at other options and as you have requested
nice and simple I'd probably recommend apt-cacher-ng [1]. It's the
lowest bandwidth using solution that basically means you only download
each package once on an as needed basis (as opposed to what I did
which meant I downloaded 500gb in one hit and use a bunch more keeping
it up to date).

The documentation for how to do it is at [2] (it seems a little old
but should still work) and there are some other how tos on the web
elsewhere [3] [4] and if you want the whole box and dice have a look
over [5]. The biggest gotcha is to make sure you update it with your
own local server settings (instead of the example ones used) and using
the correct Ubuntu version name, especially if the example guide
you're using is older.



Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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