Grub not installing when Xubuntu installs

William Scott Lockwood III vladinator at
Thu Jun 14 20:10:36 UTC 2012

On Jun 14, 2012 4:03 PM, "Ryan Gauger" <rtgkid at> wrote:
> I’m not that new, I am an experienced Linux user, and do not want to be
treated as if I am dust.

But, I don't understand. Didn't you say you were a Christian? If that is
true, then you believe that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

And kid, I have had boxes with up time longer than you are old. You are
new. You cannot possibly have anywhere near the experience the rest of us
have. If you sit down, shut up, and listen, you just might learn something.
Given half the crap I have seen you post here, it would be a huge
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