Grub not installing when Xubuntu installs

Bill Stanley bstanle at
Thu Jun 14 15:53:14 UTC 2012

On 06/13/2012 11:41 PM, chris wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 03:43 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On 14 June 2012 03:38, Ryan Gauger<rtgkid at>  wrote:
>> Will you please be quiet and stop trying to give help to people?
>> You don't know what you're talking about.
>> This:
>>> That's just it - it does not need to be attached to the operating system, I said it needs to be installed on the same HD as the OS, not attached to it.
>> Is *not correct*.
>> Neither is this:
>>> While it can be installed on another disk, I do not recommend it, because as soon as you remove the disk, your computer is in-bootable until the disk is back.
>> As for this:
>>>   I understand that the person who originally asked this question is a beginner with Linux, do I was trying to make it easy for him.
>> You are not making it easy for anyone because you are giving wrong answers.
>> Also, learn to bottom quote or stop posting to the list.
> +1 2 and 3!!!

since I don't know his history on this mailing list, I do not know how 
reliable his advice is.  Maybe the moderators can look up the history of 
his replies.  It is interesting to note all the ad-hominun  references 
to me being a newbie.  I can assure you, I have been using Linux on and 
off since 1998.  If anybody out there (even Linus himself) says he knows 
all there is about Linux, he is a liar.  When I run into something that 
has never happened before I ask for other opinions to see if there is 
something going wrong.  It does turn out that the default of sdb as the 
location for Grub is just such an example.

Maybe the moderators should watch the replies for the quality of the 
reply.  Maybe a rating system to let the users know about the quality of 
another users responses.  There is such a thing as Internet trolls and 
inaccurate replies from them can cause a lot of grief if you follow 
their advice.  Also, applying labels to another user is not good because 
this is supposed to be a place to go to for advice and not to be called 
names or given bad advice.

If you suspect there is a troll out there just "don't feed the trolls".
It's time for me to get off my soapbox now and just try to learn about 
Linux in peace!

Bill Stanley

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