Grub not installing when Xubuntu installs

Bill Stanley bstanle at
Wed Jun 13 02:20:45 UTC 2012

On 06/12/2012 07:44 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 12 June 2012 23:10, chris<chevhq at>  wrote:
>> True, but it will boot into an existing Linux distro, which then allows
>> you to run  sudo grub-install /dev/sda1 if that is where your boot disk
>> is,  then sudo update-grub.
>> This will reinstall the boot loader to the correct<active>  partition
> You can do this with an ordinary LiveCD, but first, we need to know
> what went wrong, which is why I asked the questions I did. Which, I
> note, have not been answered yet.

Your questions were...

Where did you tell it to put the bootloader? On sda or sdb?

Is it possible in the BIOS to tell the PC to boot from  sdb instead of sda?

I do not remember explicitly remember telling the install program where 
to put the boot loader.  I have done this before and the install program 
always chose the correct location.  As for the BIOS, I made no changes 
there so it still is pointing to sda as where the boot loader should be. 
  If grub is located on sdb, this is the first time that the wrong 
choice has been made.

Bill Stanley

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