Error installing wget

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Jun 11 07:21:22 UTC 2012

Am Montag, den 11.06.2012, 06:41 +0200 schrieb Nils Kassube:
> Harsha Natarajan wrote:
> >    May I know how would i download the package from the
> > terminal...since I am working on a ubuntu eucalyptus instance
> > running on the Dell serve...I have access to the command line only.
> Well, I have no idea what "ubuntu eucalyptus" is.
from the wiki descriptipon ...:

Eucalyptus is a software platform for the implementation of private
cloud computing on computer clusters. There is an open-core enterprise
edition and an open-source edition. Currently, it exports a user-facing
interface that is compatible with the Amazon EC2 and S3 services but the
platform is modularized so that it can support a set of different
interfaces simultaneously.
Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC)
Since version 1.5 Eucalyptus has been included in Ubuntu and is now the
core element of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC).Since version 1.6.2
Eucalyptus has been included in Debian. In May 2011 Canonical decided to
switch from Eucalyptus to OpenStack starting from Ubuntu 11.10. Support
for Eucalyptus will be available, but OpenStack will be the default.


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