update-motd not updating /etc/motd after LTS upgrade

Helmut Schneider jumper99 at gmx.de
Thu Jun 7 21:18:08 UTC 2012

compdoc wrote:

> Try the following command and see if you are getting any errors:
> sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d

Thanks. Command runs fine:

helmut at mail:~$ sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-24-generic i686)

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System load and logged-in users:
 23:10:09 up 9 days,  4:16,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
helmut   pts/0    p5dcd6cfd.dip.t- 23:08    0.00s  0.39s  0.02s sshd:
helmut [priv]

helmut at mail:~

But after deleting /etc/motd and logging in again, the file is not

helmut at mail:~$ ls -la /var/run/motd
ls: cannot access /var/run/motd: No such file or directory
helmut at mail:~$ ls -la /etc/motd
ls: cannot access /etc/motd: No such file or directory
helmut at mail:~$

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