Ubuntu 12.04 LTS removing unity and installing GNOME

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at arumes.com
Thu Jun 7 06:38:34 UTC 2012

On Thu, 07 Jun 2012 00:41:10 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:

> This is in contrast to the last GUI OS I used with a hidden menu bar at
> the top of the screen - classic AmigaOS and its relatives. (The last
> variant I actually played with, last year, was MorphOS on my Mac mini
> G4.)
> On this family of GUIs, you have to first whack the mouse up to the top
> of the screen *and then* press *and hold down* the right mouse button to
> get the menu bar to unhide.
> I find it completely horrible, a usability and ergonomic disaster.
> But then, former Amiga users who first learned to use a GUI on Amigas
> (as I learned it on Acorn Archimedes running RISC OS 2) find it the best
> system, love it and bemoan that other OSs cannot do it.
> People can get used to pretty much /anything./

A lot of Amiga-users were using special tweaks like ToolsDaemon and 
MagicMenu to change the behaviour of the menus. As I said earlier in this 
thread: the OS could adapt to the user, and didn't force you to adapt to 
the OS.

Regards, Robert                                      http://www.arumes.com

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