
Jared Norris jrnorris at
Wed Jun 6 20:58:32 UTC 2012

On 7 June 2012 00:16, Valter Nogueira <valter at> wrote:
> I don't know if people out there fell frustrated like I am - so I will
> expose some of my frustations.
> In open source world I get used to understand how stuff works - by reading
> source codes and/or reading deep and wide articles on the net.
> Except when subjects are related to how distros are built, how livecds boot
> up, how d-i and ubiquity came up, how X and ldm and gnome-session are
> invoked (in installation process).
> I have followed some ubuntu helps like InstallCDCustomization and
> LiveCDCustomization - which are very good recipes (in fact I managed to get
> my own custom .iso). But they don't fill the gap, answering why and how it
> works.
> I know that Ubuntu does it very well and I should not care how does it work
> - but I am getting an obssession on this.
> I would like to know if people on the list fell (or felt) the same I do.
> Thanks,
> Valter

I personally have no experience in this sort of thing but from what I
understand the Ubuntu Development team would probably be a good place
to start asking questions. They can be contacted at -

My sugestion would be to ask the question on their IRC channel or on
their discussion list. I hope that helps.


Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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