was: ubuntu 12.04 LTS removing unity

Ryan Gauger rtgkid at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 12:37:41 UTC 2012

On 06/06/2012 05:33 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 4 June 2012 15:33, Tom H<tomh0665 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Liam Proven<lproven at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> On 4 June 2012 13:20, Ryan Gauger<rtgkid at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> there are things unique to it, like HUD.
>>> The HUD is a new feature in Precise; it was not present in any of the
>>> previous 3 or 4 releases of Unity. As such, I would not call it a
>>> Unity feature.
>> Would you have been happier had it been called a feature of Unity vers>= 5.x.y?
> I have not looked or tried, but I have read reports of people getting
> it working in non-Unity desktops.
> The HUD is a way to control *applications*. Apps are not part of the
> desktop: the desktop is the Launcher, the Dash and so on.
> HUD is a feature of *Precise* not a feature of Unity at all.
HUD is actually a feature of Unity. Siri is an iOS 5 feature, but can 
currently only be used on the iPhone 4S, it is not an iPhone 4S feature, 
it is actually an iOS 5 feature (it will probably be coming to the iPad 
in iOS 6). You can say it is an iPhone 4S feature, but it won't work if 
you install iOS 4 (downgrading from iOS 5) on the iPhone 4S. People may 
be getting it to work in other desktops, but if you took the Unity code, 
copied the launcher, you could probably be using it on other desktops as 
well. A desktop environment (as with any operating system) is a set of 
programs that work together, like launcher, dash, quicklists, and HUD.

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