configuring unity launcher for 200+ users

Matt Johnson johnsonmlw at
Wed Jun 6 10:21:09 UTC 2012

> From: James Freer < at>
>To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> 
>Sent: Saturday, 2 June 2012, 21:39
>Subject: Re: configuring unity launcher for 200+ users
>On Sat, 2 Jun 2012, Matt Johnson wrote:
>> On 2 Jun 2012, at 08:26, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>> On 1 June 2012 22:54, Ryan Gauger <rtgkid at> wrote:
>>>> On 06/01/2012 12:58 PM, Matt Johnson wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We plan to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 in a 250 user UK Junior school. I'd
>>>>> like to put some popular, often-used programs on the launcher, as well as
>>>>> remove Ubuntu One, software centre, settings etc which won't be needed. In
>>>>> fact, the latter is more a priority than the former as I don't want
>>>>> irrelevant stuff cloggin up the launcher.
>>>>> How might we achieve that? I can't find a relevant directory or file that
>>>>> I could distribute across the users.
>>>>> Ta.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Matt
>>>> You have the ability to do this - through the terminal. You can run "sudo
>>>> apt-get remove package-name", where package-name is replaced with the name
>>>> of the package you are wanting to uninstall. I highly warn you about
>>>> removing System Settings. If it is not available, some parts of Unity may be
>>>> broken. For Instance, you may receive an error message after right-clicking
>>>> the desktop, and selecting "Change Desktop Background". Some other parts of
>>>> Unity may also be broken if you choose to remove System Settings. If you
>>>> mean you want to remove individual settings in System Settings, that is not
>>>> possible, because each part of System Settings is built around each other.
>>> I think we are mis-interpreting the question here.  As I read it he
>>> wants to remove the apps from the /launcher/ and add some other apps
>>> (also to the launcher), but he has 250 machines to do and doesn't want
>>> to do it by hand to all the machines.
>>> Colin
>>> --
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>> Much obliged for all answers. Ubuntu is great in schools. Our setup is very easy to maintain.
>> Colin,
>> Yes, thanks. That's pretty much what I need, though it's made easier as we use thin and fat clients by using ltsp. So, as you say, what I want to achieve is to roll out a unity launcher setup (with selected applications) to all 250 users (effectively on one machine). I imagine this might be achieved by setting up one template user and copying a directory or config file to all users as I do something similar with 10.04 desktop icons and other users settings currently.
>> So... Where is the user config for the unity 2d launcher please? Or another approach.
>> Thanks all.
>> -- 
>> Matt
>For setup wouldn't it be easier to use Edubuntu? I don't know but i'd have 
>thought the version would have been tweaked to run on multiple machines. Just a 
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Thanks for the answers all. It appears less trivial to sort out than I imagined (copy a config file to all users, for example). I will mull it over and persevere.

Much obliged.


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