A howto backup your software configuration. "installed-software".

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Tue Jun 5 07:29:35 UTC 2012

On Mon, June 4, 2012 20:03, Rajeev Prasad wrote:
> hello Bas,
> will there be an issue if I use this techinique to move from 10.10 to
> 12.04 ubuntu? I mean 12.04 will have newer versions of softwares by
> default like PHP, mysql, perl etc. will this method try to install old
> software - IN ADDITION - to new software which comes preloaded into new
> OS? how will such situation be handeled?

First you restore all your packages in the same version (for example
Secondly you upgrade (for example 10.04LTS -> 12.04LTS).

HOWEVER... will there be an issue? No.
Not. At. All. (in my not so humble experience)
The file with the dpkg-selections output does not contain any version
numbers, so if you install, it will take the current version.

HOWEVER... you should not blindly install everything.
The dpkg-selections output is a text file. You are supposed to read it,
*understand* it and edit it, removing everything you don't need. For
example, delete all libs. Delete apache2, php, mysql,... if you have
another package like phpmyadmin that depends on it. And so on.

HOWEVER... if you break your system, you get to keep all pieces.

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