Unity bug? gimp->xsane

Leander Jedamus ljedamus at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 4 08:15:45 UTC 2012

Am 02.06.2012 21:55, schrieb Colin Law:
> On 2 June 2012 16:48, Leander Jedamus<ljedamus at googlemail.com>  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I got an issue with unity here on Ubuntu 12.04.
>> When I use firefox and start a download, I am asked what I want to do with
>> the download. I select (FlashGot ->  fatrat). Now when I minimize this
>> fatrat-window, I can never get it back.
> I don't use fatrat, but when it is started do you see two white
> markers on the left had side of the FF launcher?  If so then click the
> FF icon twice and it will put up thumbnails of the two windows for you
> to choose the fatrat one.  Alternatively Alt+ ` (normally the key
> above tab) switches between multiple windows for an app so this may
> work.
>> This also happens when I use gimp and select to create an image with xsane.
>> When I change windows with Alt-Tab, xsane is not there and can't be
>> selected. I can only kill the processes manually.
> Try the above in this case also.
I tried it. I describe what I did again:
I start gimp (starts 3 windows, there are three markers at the icon on 
the left side (is it the launcher?)), then I select 
Datei->erstellen->Xsane->device dialog.
Now there are four new windows. Now when you minimize all this new 
windows, there is no way to get them back. I tried double-clicking on 
gimp-icon, but that only shows me the three gimp-windows, not those for 
xsane. Xsane has no icon in the launcher and is not listed, when I press 
So for now, I don't know what to try.

Leander Jedamus

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