What is using all this memory?

Andrew d~_*b theunknownandrew at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 10:46:48 UTC 2012

On Sun 03 Jun 2012 1:31:06 PM Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Top does not show anything unusual. The user's home directory is not
> encrypted. I have disabled Akonadi and Nepomuk. What else should I
> check?

Do you have anything else set in System Settings > System Administration > 
Startup & Shutdown > Autostart

As for my system, I have a gtk2-default-theme script configured to execute pre-
kde start-up and to being an instance of konsole during the startup (which I 
added manually)

Maybe you can have a script designed to save its output to a file on the drive 
and set it to run @ start-up. perhaps it will help (not to solve the issue, 
but narrow down the cause)

-- &RU Chelladurai

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