google-earth anybody?

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Mon Jul 30 20:18:47 UTC 2012

On Monday 30 July 2012 16:09:06 Ric Moore did opine:

> On 07/30/2012 03:37 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
> > On 30 July 2012 20:27, Ric Moore <wayward4now at> wrote:
> >> You're wanting to have google earth running on your milling machine
> >> setup?? I think that would blow the dickens out of "latency"
> >> overall. It's a blooming monster that traditionally eats up cpu and
> >> ram like a junkyard goat.
> > 
> > Yes, I did wonder about that myself...
> > 
> >> But, bottom line, you need accelerated graphics, and a bunch of vram
> >> would help. Nouveau still doesn't do that. I bought an nVidia card
> >> with 2 gigs of vram for under $50. <cackles> Ric
> > 
> > Also true.
> > 
> > IOW, have a CNC control machine & a separate desktop / surfing box.
> > Far more sensible.
> You should see pics of Gene's setup. Ric

I "advertise" it, although some of the pix are old, in my sig, anyone with 
a browser is welcome to look.  All the stuff that keeps an old fart out of 
the bars & staring at girls I can't do anything with. :)

The link "emc" is some of the machinery.  When I am finished with the 
cnc'ing of the lathe, I'll add some more pix.  Right now I am plotting on 
how to make sure the ball screw drive that is about to replace the std 
10x1mm std thread profile screw that drives the cross feed, is completely 
shielded from the flying swarf the lathe can create in 2 pound piles while 
running one 50 line gcode program.  One errant piece of dirt in the ball 
screw and a $300 screw can be trashed in half an hour.

Cheers, Gene
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