Need help viewing video from my own web page

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Sat Jul 21 16:31:09 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Hans Muecke
<ubuntu-ml01 at> wrote:
> Am 21.07.2012 10:57, schrieb Kevin O'Gorman:
>> I have a web page that celebrates my dog.  I've been posting my
>> pictures and videos to it, learning about web pages and such as I go
>> along.
>> I've just gotten thumbnails sorted out, and I'm on to the videos.
>> They're fine when viewed through the File Manager, but not through a
>> browser from the page itself.  They either stay black, or show a few
>> frames and go black.    The same thing happens from my Windows 7
>> laptop, but I mostly see Flash on it so I don't know if it views other
>> plain video files properly.
>> The videos are AVI and MP4.  Clicking "save link as" saves an exact
>> copy, so I presume I'm serving them right, but I cannot be sure.
>> The system is Ubuntu 11.04, with Xubuntu added.  (I plan to install
>> xubuntu 12.04.1 when I get a Round Tuit) I run an xfce session.  The
>> browsers I use are Firefox and Chrome.
>> I don't know if I'm serving them wrong, or have the browsers set up
>> wrong.  It would be nice to know if anyone sees them properly and can
>> guide me through setup, or if everyone sees what I do and I'm actually
>> serving them wrong.
>> the page is
> Kubuntu 12,04LTS with Firefox and Chrome ... mp4s stay dark and avi
> files are very "jumpy" ...

Thanks.  Can you tell me if the files seem to keep downloading -- they
don't on my system?  Or if it could be related to my upload speed?
(would not explain my own experience, though, since it ought to be at
my wired max).

I'd also like a few more data points (from other users), and any
advice I can get.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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