re-reading /etc/gai.conf

Karl Auer kauer at
Fri Jul 20 02:10:10 UTC 2012

Hi there.

I have a question: When and how does /etc/gai.conf get read?

I ask because I ran "ip addrlabel list" and got this:

   prefix ::1/128 label 0 
   prefix ::ffff: label 4 
   prefix ::/96 label 3 
   prefix 2001::/32 label 6 
   prefix 2001:10::/28 label 7 
   prefix 2002::/16 label 2 
   prefix fc00::/7 label 5 
   prefix ::/0 label 1 

Aside from the ordering (which is irrelevant) this is what is
in /etc/gai.conf.

Then I added a couple of label lines to /etc/gai.conf, but the output
from "ip addrlabel list" did not change. I had to manually set up my two
labels like this:

   sudo ip addrlabel add prefix $PREFIX label $LABEL

Even rebooting (!) did not get my two extra lines into whatever the "ip"
program is using. It doesn't seem to be anywhere in /proc, but I may
have missed it.

I can work around this by running a suitable script, but I'm thinking
surely there must be some point at which the contents of /etc/gai.conf
are absorbed.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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