Mate menus

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Jul 16 17:23:59 UTC 2012

On 16 July 2012 17:44, Oliver Grawert <ogra at> wrote:
> hi,
> Am Montag, den 16.07.2012, 09:20 -0700 schrieb Pongo A. Pan:
>> Or just use Linux Mint Mate, which was engineered with mate from the
>> ground up.  R. Kimber doesn't say what his objection to Mint was after
>> he "experimented" with it.  Mint is very close to Ubuntu: if you don't
>> like one, you'll probably not like the other.
> sadly mint's update mechanism suppress a lot of important security
> upgrades (kernel, xorg, bootloader, libc etc), while they might look
> similar on the surface i wouldnt use mint in production unless you
> really dont care about security at all...

This is true but if you use the

apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade -y

method, as I generally do, then it gets them all.

I believe you can configure the graphical updater to show all updates, too.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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