Touchpad Terror....

Pongo A. Pan pongo_pan at
Sat Jul 14 23:36:58 UTC 2012

On Sat, 2012-07-14 at 19:02 -0400, Eddie O'Connor wrote:
> I am going crazy with a Sony Viao laptop that is having trouble with
> its touchpad, after installing Ubuntu 11.04 and upgrading to 12...the
> touchpad has been sporadically "stopping". In that I cannot
> right-click, left-click, or just CLICK period! Is there some kind fo
> "patch" for this? I haven't realy had time to search for a "cure" for
> this, as I have just started a new job and am short on time. If
> ANYONE...ANYWHERE can point me in the right direction I would greatly
> appreciate it!

Have you installed gpointing-device-settings (in the repositories for
Precise at least)?  This lets you control lots of things for the most
common types of touchpad.  I mostly use it to turn the darn thing
completely off and use a $17 wireless usb mini-mouse instead, but if
you're a glutton for punishment or like to tap to click it should help.
I found it with synaptic but the software center should know about it.

pongo pan
Sat, 14 Jul 2012 16:36:22 -0700
Diogenes up 57 min, 0 users, load average: 0.66, 0.84, 0.91
Linux 3.2.0-26-generic
Bodhi 2.0.0, Enlightenment E17

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