Mate menus

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sat Jul 14 22:28:18 UTC 2012

On 07/14/2012 04:59 PM, R Kimber wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 13:08:30 +0100
> R Kimber wrote:
>> After experimenting with Mint, I decided to have Ubuntu 12.04 with Mate.
>> Installation has gone OK, but I notice that quite a few menu items are
>> present in duplicate and in one or two cases (e.g. LibreOffice writer)
>> there is no icon. The duplicate items start the same program, but there
>> are some differences that make me think different themes are being used.
>> Anyone seen this? Is this a bug that should be reported? If so, does
>> Ubuntu have any interest in Mate, or should it go to the Mate developers?
> After several reboots, installing hardware drivers etc., it seems to have
> righted itself ... weird.
> - Richard

I have the same problem except for LibreOffice office which is ok, so I 
was hoping you would find a solution.  I have rebooted a number of times 
but still see the duplicate entries. The entries in the menu appear to 
be the same but at least in one case the programs they launch are different.

If I go Applications-->System Tools--> Disk Usage Analyzer.  The first 
one on the menu opens Baobab 1.2.0 and the second one opens Baobab 
3.4.1. I wonder if there is any guide that lets you determine which 
belong to Unity and which to Mate?  I would like to remove the Unity 
ones and keep the Mate ones.

Regards,  Jim

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