Ubuntu 12.04 Problems with update manager in WLAN without connection

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 11:44:07 UTC 2012

On 13 July 2012 12:05,  <problembear at web.de> wrote:
> sorry for using the html email mode and thank you for responding ..
> rethinking .. 'network manager' might think it has a connection (e.g. DNS resolution into the INTERNET works fine) .. but without login to the WLAN, all attempts (e.g. by the update manager, etc.) to contact .. http://ubuntuupdate.somewebsite.somedomain .. will lead to the webserver of the WLAN provider responding with his login page .. maybe the update manager is not checking for the information source and taking the response from the WLAN provider webserver as package update information ?

That's precisely what Windows does.

I've forwarded you the email dicsussion of this very topic, off-list.
Hopefully, it sheds a little light on how it currently works and
what's going to be done to make it a little more resilient.


When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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