Bring Ubuntu To LIFE!...please

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Sun Jul 8 18:12:10 UTC 2012

On 07/08/2012 01:58 PM, mischa falkenburg wrote:
> On 07/08/2012 08:21 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 8 July 2012 11:39, mischa falkenburg
>> <because_productions at> wrote:
>>> On 07/08/2012 03:39 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>>>> On 7 July 2012 23:22, mischa falkenburg
>>>> <because_productions at> wrote:
>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>> Recently I was forced to upgrade to a new motherboard. OK, that
>>>>> came with
>>>>> a
>>>>> disk for installing the XP drivers. XP does all that it usually does.
>>>>> Ubuntu was installed from within Windows, but that disk didn't "do"
>>>>> anything
>>>>> for it. It works fine, but it doesn't see the network and can't get
>>>>> online.
>>>>> We're running 10.04.4, and if the solution is to use the disk for
>>>>> recovery,
>>>>> at what point should the disk engage - when the boot choice is made in
>>>>> GRUB?
>>>> Not sure what you mean.  Are you trying to boot off the CD?  In which
>>>> case it should never get to the grub boot options as it should boot
>>>> directly from the CD without accessing the hard disc at all.  Check in
>>>> the BIOS to make sure that you have boot from CD as the first option
>>>> (or at least above boot from hard disc).
>>>> Colin
>>>>> Thanks-in-advance,
>>>>> Mischa
>>>>> --
>>>>> ubuntu-users mailing list
>>>>> ubuntu-users at
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>>> Sorry for the misunderstanding...
>>> The boot process is fine. In GRUB I have the choice for either OS.
>>> The question is, in order for Ubuntu to work, ie. get online, it
>>> "needs to
>>> know" - just like Windows did - that there is new hardware.
>> It should work it out for itself generally, unless you have unusual
>> hardware.  Are you running a proper dual boot system or running wubi?
>> Are you trying to connect by wire or wifi?
>> These may be helpful
>> Colin
> This is WUBI and by wire.

Why wubi?? You're installing Linux to a foreign/hostile filesystem and 
most likely virus protection will consider it a virus. Very few people 
use it. If you upgrade Windows you'll blow it all up to bits and most 
likely lose everything you created with Linux. There must be a user list 
for wubi out there somewhere. I doubt you will find many answers here. 
If you had problems related to installing Linux on it's own partition, 
did you turn off "Boot Protection" in your bios?? Your bios could see 
grub's attempts to write to the boot sector as a "virus" and stop it 
dead in it's tracks. Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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