Bump - Re: Remmina Configuration

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 3 23:03:47 UTC 2012

On 07/03/2012 10:02 AM, Patton Echols wrote:
> On 07/02/2012 07:44 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> To set up my remmina RDP session:
>>   - New Connection
>> Basic Tab:
>>    - Server: <IP address of the WinXP machine>
>>    o Use Window size
>>    - Quality: Poor (fastest) (I'm testing via a LAN)
>> Advanced Tab:
>>     - Quality: Poor (fastest)
>> SSH Tab:
>>   - Enable SSH Tunnel
>>   o Same server at port 22
>>   - User name: <valid WinXP username>
>>   o Password (I reckon in your case you'd check 'Public key')
>> Connect
>> No clue regarding your script - sorry.
> Ok, thanks for the try.  That's basically what I had, with change for 
> the custom port.  I think I must be missing some detail on the server 
> side.  I'm going to have to trouble shoot when I am sitting next to it.

Are you getting any errors? I had remmina working fine, then I rebooted
the WinXP. OpenSSH on the WinXP was working just fine going out & on
loop, but ssh coming in was being dropped. Took me awhile to figure out
that Avast! AV on the WinXP machine was blocking the connection - even
from the terminal. So I turned off the malware settings in the Avast!
'Behavior Analysis', cleaned out the 'Sandbox', and afterwards the
connection worked just fine. If you give me a port number (you can email
me directly if you wish), I can see if I can replicate here. I have 3
WinXP VM's running on VMWare and 1 Win7 to test with.

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