Strange guest users!!

Robert Holtzm holtzm at
Mon Jul 2 20:34:31 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 09:04:26PM +0000, Adnane wrote:
> hello,
> I recently found this on my /etc/passwd, and I don't know where they
> come from, malicius users ?
> **
>  *
>    guest-ju5MVt:x:114:126:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-ju5MVt:/bin/bash
>    guest-wG6ljf:x:115:127:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-wG6ljf:/bin/bash
>    guest-pnnpDM:x:116:128:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-pnnpDM:/bin/bash
>    guest-vDcp9d:x:117:129:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-vDcp9d:/bin/bash
>    guest-VBqZ2D:x:118:130:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-VBqZ2D:/bin/bash
>    whoopsie:x:119:131::/nonexistent:/bin/false
>    guest-57TzoY:x:120:132:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-57TzoY:/bin/bash
>    guest-5Wr1lz:x:121:134:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-5Wr1lz:/bin/bash
> is there a way to prevent it if its bad ?

My /etc/passwd file shows
"nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh" which puzzels me. Any

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the.
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