Bump - Re: Remmina Configuration

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Mon Jul 2 15:46:22 UTC 2012

Anyone using Remmina to access Win XP over ssh? I was hoping to discuss 
the following scenario:

On 06/29/2012 09:36 AM, Patton Echols wrote:
> When I remote connect to my office (WinXP), I have been using a script 
> that connects using rdesktop over ssh tunnel.  It works, but there are 
> some papercut issues I have not been able to resolve.  Now that my 
> laptop is upgraded to 12.04, I wanted to try out remmina and see if I 
> like it.
> The XP desktop is expecting an ssh connection with a stored public 
> key.  I don't want to change that end.  but I am having trouble 
> figuring out what to put where in the remmina gui.  I'd appreciate any 
> guidance.  The script below.
> #! /bin/bash
> # ssh compress, redirect /dev/null, no remote console <host> 
> <redirect> &=background
> ssh -CnN -p 12345 patton at my.domain.com -L 3390:localhost:3389 &
> #capture PID of ssh
> PID=$!
> #give a few seconds for the process to be set up
> sleep 7
> #start remote desktop
> rdesktop -fzE -a 16 localhost:3390
> # kill the ssh process after remote disconnects
> echo "killing $PID"
> kill $PID
> echo "done, see you next time"

Patton Echols
M. Patton Echols, PC
1300 NE Linden
P.O.B. 1768
Gresham,  OR  97030
(503) 491-0863
Office email: pechols at greshamlaw.com

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