[OT Ryan Gauger] Re: VHS to computer save query

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 2 04:44:30 UTC 2012

Purposely started an new thread.

On 07/01/2012 02:40 PM, Nick Bikkal wrote:> On 07/02/2012 06:35 AM, Ryan
Gauger wrote:
>> Let's focus on getting the problem solved, rather than chit-chatting,
especially when the chit-chat is tearing people down, instead of being
constructive and building-people up.
> Sorry,
> This was not meant to tear anyone down. I liked one of the movies
> mentioned. Brought back good memories.

With apologies to squareyes & the rest of the list:

Don't worry Nick... Gauger is a poseur, hypocrite, and blatant liar. For
some reason he has decided to offer 'guidance' on this list starting
last month... Not to worry, he'll next tell you:

"Thank you. We will use your input to make the Ubuntu experience better."

and that he's a member of the "Unity Design Team" when in actuality his
entire involvement with UDT is a mailing list subscriber.

Unfortunately the "moderators" of this list just let him continue. My
suggestion is to just plonk him/killfile him and be done with it.

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