program launcher going wild

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Sun Jul 1 02:24:04 UTC 2012

On 06/29/2012 03:40 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> For the 2nd time I am going to have to reboot.
> If I have a copy of firefox running, a click on an html link in an email
> will hand the request off to firefox just fine.
> But if firefox is not running, then whatever is in charge of handling such
> link clicks tries to start at leasy 100 copies of konqueror, so I wind up
> with a machine whose lower info bar has buttons from processes trying to
> run lined up to as little as 1/8" wide, which it will do for 2-3 minutes
> and then it will try to kill them all, which it will do for perhaps 5
> seconds, but will eventually start fireing of another 100 or so copies,
> none of which ever actually open a screen.
> as root, killall konqueror, or killall neopmukservices is powerless to stop
> it.
> htop shows the cpu on a quad core phenom being pushed to as high as 90% on
> all 4 cores, but the only way to stop it is to close down kmail cleanly and
> reboot.  Then spend 20 minutes getting all the other stuff I run here
> started again.

Gene, using galternatives as we were talking about off-list, you can dig 
into there and set your default browser in stone. Damn, you made me look 
go look... x-server-browser. Click on that and then on the browser you 
want set.

BUT!! With Thunderbird, it don't care. It still opens firefox, although 
I picked Chrome to be my browser. Same might be with that kmail clinker. 
It might ONLY open konquerer. You might be stuck like chuck until you 
root around in it's innards in hopes that there is a text file you can 
modify it's behavior with. I hate them both for the same reasons I don't 
like KDE or Mint.

We're turning into GD Windows machines, slowly but surely. Bunch of 
Linux Soup Nazi's are out there. "You VILL do chust waht I say do! No 
fiddlin vif de innards!"

..sorry, that just kinda spilled out. I'm not in charge of what my brain 
sends to my fingers. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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